A safe learning environment plays a major role for students to be creative and social. It is a constant aspect of a student’s life and to make it a safe abode is the utmost priorities of school authorities. As they walk in through the school gates they leave behind all their worries for a few hours so that they can strive and flourish alongside their classmates. The academic success of a child depends upon the safety of the school. The sense of safety gives them an opportunity to learn and achieve their dreams.

We at Gurukul World School, listed as the Best School in Mohali, believe that safety is the foundational need that must be met to increase their level of performance by our students. We promote school safety because it provides them with an open space to learn and explore new things.

To make sure our schools are safe to place administrators at our schools have laid down following rules and regulations:

– CCTV cameras are installed at the main entrance, main campus, hallways, and exit gates so as to maintain a healthy environment.

– We have a parking lot monitor who oversees people entering and leaving the campus.

– We make sure that visitors before reporting to the main office, sign in the visitor’s address book.

– Our teachers make sure that if they are using technology to educate students it is a safe internet usage.

– We make sure that there is no violence occurring in our schools and ensure that students solve their conflicts without indulging in fights.

– Encourage students to take responsibility on their part to maintain a safe school environment.

– Unoccupied rooms and spaces are locked when not in use.

Gurukul World School, being the Best Mohali CBSE School, understand that parents send their kids to our schools because they believe in our security system. We strive hard regularly to maintain a safe and sound environment so that students can focus on their studies and achieve their goals.

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Gurukul World School is a temple of learning where each child's individuality is valued and polished


Sector 69, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar,Punjab 160069.


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