Every day in school, students can achieve power if teachers and others provide them with opportunities to achieve power with and power within. If students do not have opportunities to meet their need for power or full engagement in these healthy, productive, and responsible ways, they will most likely adapt wrong things like cheating, bullying or engaging in violence.

Gurukul World School, being the best CBSE schools in Mohali, has come up with strategies that can help students to stay engaged in the classroom:

Give Choices

Allow students to choose the goals they need to work on each day. Let them choose the path they take to reach their academic goals. Let them be their own guides. Offer them opportunities to make choices. True learning occurs through mistakes and correcting it. This is empowering in itself.

Time for Reflection

Help students to make reflection a part of their daily routine. Students should actively engage themselves in the learning process and be able to reflect on their own personal contributions, knowledge, and connections.

Let Students Teach

Allow students to teach. By this we enlarge the learning platform. Students who are able to demonstrate and share knowledge such activities empower them and it deepens their own understanding. Let them demonstrate their strategies and assist each other with a similar learning style.

Self- Assessment

Students will grow only when they are given opportunities to self-assess their own progress towards specific goals. By giving feedback to others they can positively impact others learning.

Ask Opinions

It is important to ask students for feedback and give their opinions about the matter. Encouraging their ideas builds trust and entitles them to think critically.

Gurukul World School, counted among top CBSE schools in Mohali, believes that these strategies can be integrated into classrooms which can be very beneficial for students as well as they will get a different learning environment.

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Gurukul World School is a temple of learning where each child's individuality is valued and polished


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