The most common text heard in the context of schooling is a student-centred classroom. Developing a student-centered classroom has slowly become necessary than a luxury. It is no longer another new and innovative technique adopted in schools. Rather it should slowly become a norm in schools. Gurukul World School is a perfect example of how student-centered classrooms are developed in schools.

The unique curriculum followed by us is based on thorough and in-depth research that promotes student-centered learning. The traditional method or teacher-centric classroom believed that the teacher will pour out knowledge and wisdom to students. Students can be molded into any shape and hence they will absorb the knowledge imparted by teachers. However, scientific research studies have proven that children’s brains are much beyond that. In fact, maximum learning happens till the age of 8. Therefore, the kind of education we provide to our younger children plays a critical role in shaping their personality, attitude, and skills.

At Gurukul World School, best Mohali CBSE school, classrooms and learning revolve around students and not teachers. They strongly believe that every child is unique which means that children have varied learning styles and levels. Every child has a different method and pace to learn. Therefore, differentiated learning is followed here. Student-centered classrooms engage all types of students and encourage them to participate actively. Student-centric learning is said to be one of the most effective ways to develop skills of independent learning and problem-solving and attitude for life-long learning in students.

Gurukul World School, counted among best CBSE schools in Mohali, is now open for the academic session 2021-22 focuses on giving meaningful and relevant educational experiences to children to engage them and develop their skills.

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Gurukul World School is a temple of learning where each child's individuality is valued and polished


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